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Luke chapter 6 and 7! Wow! These two chapters contain an abundance of biblical information and historical importance. Add that together with cultural groundbreaking events, and you have yourself one perspective-shifting read.

Starting in verse 12 of chapter 6, Jesus goes off to pray (which He does for all major events that happened or were about to happen in His life). When He returns, He chooses his twelve apostles. Now many of us refer to them as the twelve disciples, which isn’t technically wrong. Jesus had a surplus of followers, or disciples, but He specifically chose these twelve to be His messengers, or apostles. The coolest part is these men were just normal men, but when you mix all their unique talents, characteristics, personalities, and backgrounds, something remarkable happened. Churches today can learn a lot from their example and blend all our specific abilities for a greater purpose.

Jump to verse 20 in chapter 6 and you start reading Luke’s account of arguably one of the best-known messages from Jesus, “The Beatitudes.” Jesus had a tendency of flipping the script, and “The Beatitudes” are no different. Poor, hungry, crying, excluded, mocked, or cursed for what you believe? Don’t worry. Blessed! Great rewards await you in Heaven! Rich, prosperous, laughing, praised by the crowds? Sorry, but sorrow awaits. Jesus continues to blow people’s minds by teaching on loving your enemies, not judging, and building your lives on the solid foundation that is Jesus.

Then  we get to chapter 7, and a drastic turn of events happens in Luke’s account of the ministry of Jesus. Before Jesus had only dealt with Jews, but now He was including gentiles. In verses 1-10 you see this with the Roman officer. Jesus says in verse 9, “I tell you, I haven’t seen faith like this in all of Israel!”. Talk about a profound statement! He is  talking to a Gentile, in front of Jews, in Israel! It just proves that no matter who you are, what you have done, or where you come from, when you put your faith in Jesus unbelievable things happen. This is another great example of how the church should be. Breaking through whatever “barrier” there might be, to reach the one who needs it.

Chapter 7 ends with such a powerful example of how we should act in honoring Jesus. This woman was vulnerable enough to admit she had failed many times in the past, and humble enough to place herself at Jesus’ feet. She then proceeds to give her all to One who gave it all for her. Accept that we have sinned. Put our faith in Jesus. Give Him all we have to offer. Hold on tight.

Hayden Poninski |YOUNG ADULT PASTOR 
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